Monday, November 15, 2010

Call of Duty: Black Op's

Well let's be truthful, its been awhile since I have posted here. Lots going on with myself in life. Anyways, I am going to take a couple of minutes to do a little review of the new Call of Duty: Black Op's.

I will have to say myself that I thought that the new Medal of Honor that was released about a month ago would steal some of the thunder of a FPS release from CoD. As it turns out, MoH turned out to be mostly a flop and many people have come to tell me that Black Ops is an amazing game.
I have yet to play it myself, I a most likely will not purchase it but, testing it out would be worth the time I think. After talking with a few gaming buddies I have come to hear that the single player version of B.O. has an intriguing storyline that is very enjoyable. Then there is also the online part of it, which makes the rest of the game for most people. I was told comparatively to MoH it has good looking graphics and gameplay, like I said I have yet to experience it for myself but I trust what I have been told.
I am sure it has its downside somewhere, and it will arise probably within a couple of weeks, and if its something fixable there will be a patch or so. Anyways feel free to leave comments on what you think of Black Ops, so others can read and share as well.

1 comment:

  1. pretty sweet bro.
